I am reviewing the free version of InfiniteWP which includes 1-Click Updates Update all your WordPress sites, plugin and themes in a single-click. If you manage more than a few…

Happy Birthday Design Cuts I have been buying fonts and graphics from them for years. I made this Birthday Card using the font Against Refresh from one of their bundles….

Thanks Jordan Bridge on Instagram for requesting one of my photos be shared as a desktop photo. Your wish is my command. Enjoy “Serene Dawn — Wollondilly River — Free…

I saw this puzzle floating around the web, annoyingly I could not find any solutions floating around the web. So I created one, hopefully I counted correctly?

We all know that advertising in the west has a long history of sexism and objectification of women. Take this vintage cigarette ad; Design-Kink continues the popular cultural project of…

Bridgid McLean is an Australian artist. Born in New South Wales in 1946. A painter and sculptor, her work is represented in the Australian National Gallery, the Art Gallery of…

Authenticity… BE YOURSELF — The World Will Adjust. I will post a great link on this topic one of my clients is writing soon. © 2014 www.Design-Kink.com

Are you writing your own blog or are planning to? You’ll need some great photographs to attract people to your blog and help communicate visually. Introducing IM Free. A trustworthy…
Tip #1 It’s all in the headline. Try to create at least 5 different headlines before you decide on the best one, 25 is even better! According to Copyblogger.com: “On…

The iStockphoto administrators have determined that our files are commercially and technically ready for iStockphoto.com, one of the web’s premier photo libraries. We’re very excited and to celebrate are featuring…

We at Design-Kink love our food, eating it, cooking it, and designing for it. Here’s a review of some of our favourite food clients. Before designing we take a brief…

This was a fantastic design project that got all my taste buds imagining branding concepts. Campsie Food Festival is a local event where you get to explore all kinds of…

The process of designing a logo and branding for AGE began when the company was called AGCE. I started by reviewing some typeface that might look good with those letters…

How the heck does typography affect conversions? Well, certain font types will affect people’s decisions in different ways. For example, if you are trying to get your users to agree…
I’ve been learning about blogging from Neil Patel’s articles. His website called Quick Sprout offers free and premium information about online marketing, worth checking out. Here’s Neil’s easy infographic about…

Does your business take bookings? This review of appointment plug-ins covers all appointments from one-on-one personal services such as a dentist appointments through to events bookings or rental bookings such…

In varius varius justo, eget ultrices mauris rhoncus non. Morbi tristique, mauris eu imperdiet bibendum, velit diam iaculis velit, in ornare massa enim at lorem. Etiam risus diam, porttitor vitae…